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Douglas “Nytshaed” Leonard

Douglas “Nytshaed” Leonard photo Douglas “Nytshaed” Leonard

Nytshaed is one of our instructors who is available for sword forms including Rapier, Foam Saber, LED Saber, Melees, and more exotic combinations of instruction including thrown steel (when space allows).

Nytshaed has hosted well over two thousand hours of instruction from his home in Sacramento (CA) as well as Eagle River (Alaska).  He has taught more than double that in parks, schools, churches and other venues across the United States.  While primarily acting on the West coast and Alaska, Nytshaed has given classes in the Midwest and the East coast as a guest instructor. He loves meeting new styles and is always keen to sharpen his skills when meeting new competitors.

 Nytshaed started teaching Olympic fencing in 1985 and quickly engaged his passion for the rapier with its 300-year tradition of honor and grace. With the help of world-class fencing maestros, he has accumulated the most effective teaching techniques for this art he loves.

In his early years Nytshaed was very active in Rennaissance Faires and recognized as the Maestro of the Shadow Rose rapier school.  As a Royal Guildmaster, White Scarf, and Master of Defense in the Society for Creative Anachronism Nytshaed also served as West Kingdom Rapier Marshal over Northern and Central California, Northwestern Nevada, Alaska, Japan, South Korea, Guam, Diego Garcia, Philippines and Thailand and has had a broad influence on the course of Rapier fighting and experience dealing with greatly disparate styles and regulation.

Nytshaed’s most popular offering in Sacramento was an 8 year run of Rapier for all ages with about 500 participants. Currently he is in his 7th year giving Foam Saber classes to the First through sixth graders at Bancroft Elementary School for 2 weeks out of each school year.

 “I look forward to inspiring you to inspire the next generation of our Art.” - Nytshaed

So you want to learn to use a sword?

So you want to learn to use a sword?

Swords are iconic, sword fighting is fun. At the Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy there is nothing we love more than sharing this art with other people. We offer training in a variety of historical fencing arts and would like to invite you to come out and take a free class with us. Just let us know what type of sword you'd like to learn to use!

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