Geoffrey began his martial arts training as a child, learning jujitsu with his brother, though like many children his interest quickly waned. It wasn't until highschool that he found a discipline he really enjoyed, fencing. He began driving to Napa JC after highschool to learn from Olympic women's fencing coach Peter Bruchard.
Geoffrey spent the next five years training and learning Modern Olympic Fencing from some of the best coaches on the west coast though it remained largely a hobby. During this time Geoffrey also began training in Kung Fu and soon couldn't find time for both. It wasn't until Geoffrey found HEMA 5 years ago that his fencing and unarmed martial arts found a shared space. Geoffrey has been training and competing in HEMA ever since.
Geoffrey now teaches the beginner Messer class as part of the Kunst des Fechtens curriculum. He is the sparring coach for the school and assists both new fencers as they become accustomed to the dynamic reality that is freeplay sparring, as well as helping to train more experienced fencers for our competition team.