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Arthur Henry

Arthur Henry photo Arthur Henry

Arthur began fencing in 2005. He started his training in French fencing with the Diamond Rose Academie D’Armes. In 2008 he began his own independent study and practice of the Italian Rapier while working as an Instructor for the Diamond Rose. In 2015 he relocated to Sacramento, where he began training in Kunst des Fechtens with the Sacramento Freifechter. In 2018 he began working as an Associate Instructor in Longsword.

His disciplines encompass French foil, Meyer’s Kunst Des Fechtens, and Italian Rapier. Arthur  has competed throughout California, winning over ten medals in various weapon disciplines. He believes in positive reinforcement and consistent practice to motivate students to reach their potential. The opening of the Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy preseneted the opportunity for Arthur to teach his class in Italian rapier.

Arthur is a graduate student in the M.A. in History program at California State University, Sacramento. His research focus is on world history, historical European martial arts, medieval and renaissance Europe.

Competitive Achievements:

Gold Medals
Sidesword, Tosetti Institute 2016
Sidesword, Tosetti Institute 2017
Dussak, Fechtschule Sacramento 2017
Longsword, Tosetti Institute 2018
Mixed Weapons, Silicon Valley 2018
Mixed Weapons, Silicon Valley 2019
Steel Longsword, Battle Born 2021

Silver Medal
Dussak Fechtschule Sacramento 2016

Bronze Medals
Sidesword, Tosetti Institute 2018
Longsword, Silicon Valley 2019

Non-Medal Accolades
Honorable Mention in Longsword Fechtschule Sacramento 2016
Clean Exchange Sidesword Champion Tosetti Institute 2018

Private Lessons

Arthur may be booked for private training sessions on Tuesdays from 11am to 7pm, Wednesdays and Fridays from 7pm to 11pm, or Saturdays by agreement. He charges $40 for a 30 minute private session, or $60 for an hour long session. During his private sessions he focuses on coached sparring and individualized lessons designed to bring out a fencer's maximum potential. 

So you want to learn to use a sword?

So you want to learn to use a sword?

Swords are iconic, sword fighting is fun. At the Sacramento Historical Fencing Academy there is nothing we love more than sharing this art with other people. We offer training in a variety of historical fencing arts and would like to invite you to come out and take a free class with us. Just let us know what type of sword you'd like to learn to use!

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